TEM nanoscale strain mapping autostrain

  • Description
  • Specification
  • Consumables


Novel Automated Strain Mapping Solution for TEM/STEM (Patent pending) based on nanobeam precession diffraction patterrns in combination with DigiSTAR. Precision up to 0.02% (200kV FEG) with spatial resolution up to 2nm attainable (FEG-TEM).

In combination with TOPSPIN simultaneous orientation/ phase/strain/STEM maps are possible

Strain maps from the Si regions of a pMOS device

  • x and y-directions aligned with [220] and [002] directions in Si.
  • Localized biaxial tensile strain close to contact edges.

Strain profile of an Si/SiGe layer

  • Strain in x-direction is near zero, indicating a coherent interface


  • Features:
    • High spatial resolution, high precision strain mapping in modern semiconductor devices
    • Acquisition of STEM reference image
    • Ultra-fast nanobeam precession electron diffraction scanned acquisition
    • Typical acquisition time: 5-10 min (150×150)
    • Time per pixel: 10-40 ms Analysis time 5-10 min
    • Automated local strain analysis via AppFive proprietary algorithm
    • Acquisition from individual positions, line profiles, areas
    • Spatial resolution < 2 nm attainable (FEG TEM)
    • Monitor engineered strain distributions in modern semiconductor devices
    • Expected sensitivity : < 2 x 10-4
    • Intuitive workflow


Siateczki do TEM Value-TEC miedziane

Siatki TEM z kwadratową strukturą – niklowe


Siatki z pokryciem: Carbon, miedziane


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