Quantax WDS Detector

  • Description
  • Specification
  • Consumables


UANTAX WDS features the compact XSense spectrometer. This high precision instrument incorporates the latest detector technologies and provides a range of benefits that are hard to beat:

  • Sophisticated auto-aligning optical system
  • Proportional counter with unique gas flow and pressure control
  • Distortion-free non-magnetic optics
  • Fully motorized advanced kinematics
  • Seamless software integration with EDS

Numerous automation features make XSense easy to operate and relieve the user from tedious and time-consuming procedures:

  • Perfect optical alignment with minimal user intervention
  • Automatic choice of the suitable analyzer crystal
  • Proportional counter gas flow and discriminator setup


  1. High Resolution where it Really Counts


  • The XSense spectrometer achieves energy resolutions in the range of 4 eV for Si Kα radiation. Equipped with 6 diffracting (analyzer) crystals it covers the energy range from 100 eV to 3.6 keV. The large number of crystals with partially overlapping energy ranges ensures that the best fit for the current task is selected


  1. Advanced proportional counter management for reliable results
  • Bruker’s unique counter management system controls counter pressure and automatically performs high voltage and discriminator settings. Not only does this simplify device operation and minimize gas consumption, it also warrants that counter characteristics remain constant under all environmental conditions. This enhances reproducibility and system reliability


  1. Pushing the limits of sensitivity
  • The XSense spectrometer’s advanced kinematics ensures that the diffracting crystals are always perfectly positioned with respect to the incoming beam over the full Bragg angle range. This eliminates signal loss.
  • The sophisticated optical system – including secondary optics between crystal and detector – pushes resolution, peak-to-background ratio and sensitivity to their limits. A non-magnetic primary beam optics avoids beam shift and image distortion


  1. Optimum measurement conditions through auto-alignment of the optics
  • The precise alignment of the spectrometer’s optical axis with respect to the current sample spot is vital in parallel beam spectrometry. XSense is equipped with an internal fully motorized three axis stage to support fast and stable positioning of the parallel beam optics with sub-micrometer resolution. A smart algorithm provides correct alignment at the touch of a key by finding the maximum intensity in all three directions of movement


  1. Touch control panel for setup and monitoring
  • XSense’s touch panel display allows the user direct control of the spectrometer status. Interlock functions can be checked and basic setup operations performed. These include opening and closing the gate valve, retraction of the optics and more


  1. Full integration with EDS
  • The new ESPRIT 2.0 software provides full integration of WDS and EDS. Measurements can be performed on the same spot and results can be combined for improved reliability of quantification